A practical guide to Feng Shui your apartment

November 14, 2019 | By Lisa Roberts
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 A set of interior pieces arranged in accordance to the rules of how to feng shui your apartment.

A practical guide to Feng Shui your apartment



Many people don’t realize just how important interior decorating is to one’s well-being and happiness. After all, apart from your workplace - your apartment is the place where you’ll be spending most of your waking hours. That’s why feng shui is such an important discipline. Through careful consideration of the way you arrange your interior pieces, feng shui allows you to achieve maximum happiness and productivity. If you don’t set up your interior in a way that cultivates positive emotions and mental states, your mood will suffer on a daily basis. Don’t worry, though - that’s why we’ve gathered a couple of tips to feng shui your apartment. 

Feng Shui Basics




Before we get into all the ways you can feng shui your apartment, let’s take a look at what this discipline is in the first place. To put it simply, feng shui stems from Chinese geomancy methods, going back centuries ago. This pseudoscience strives to help every individual achieve peace and harmony in their lives. And the way feng shui does it is through balancing one's spiritual energy with their environment. While the magical properties of the discipline are obviously debated in the modern world; it remains a practical way to arrange one’s interior for a maximum aesthetic effect. So, if you’re leaving NJ and settling down in NY in a new apartment - you’ve got a great opportunity to furnish it in accordance with feng shui. Many people have tried it, and most are satisfied with the spiritual peace the process has brought them. 


If we look at the categorization, feng shui belongs to one of the five classes of ancient Chinese metaphysics; many call it physiognomy. This ancient discipline is all about man’s unity with the universe, the earth, and more specifically - one’s dwelling. Most importantly, it can basically be used in any sort of household. 


Keeping Positive Energy Inside

So, if you’re going to feng shui your apartment, the first logical question is - where do you begin? Let’s say that you’ve moved to a New York apartment with a company such as  bluebellmovingandstorage.com. The movers have carried the very last box and piece of furniture inside; all that’s left is for you to arrange it all according to your needs, and the rules of feng shui. How would you go about doing this?


The discipline of feng shui rests on one simple premise - you want to keep as much positive energy in your apartment as possible. This energy, also known as chi - is what helps you achieve maximum satisfaction while you spend time in your apartment. If you allow too much of it to escape, you won’t be happy. With that in mind - see if there is a completely direct passage between your back door and your front door. In case of an apartment, that means from the door of your terrace to the front door. If the answer is ‘yes’, then chi can easily escape out of your apartment. You want to place some objects on this path, like a centerpiece of furniture. That will make the chi flow more slowly and naturally, allowing you to reap its positive benefits. Consider placing some art to hang on your walls, and lay down a patterned carpet.



Reducing Clutter




In many ways, the effort to feng shui your apartment will also help your home be more practical. The discipline is all about enabling you to live effortlessly and peacefully; to live better! For example - many people struggle with a lot of clutter in your home. And this is something that’s obvious even without feng shui. If you keep a disorganized and messy home, the entire space will be filled with negative, stagnating energy. This isn’t an atmosphere that facilitates productivity in any way. And that’s precisely why minimalist apartment design is largely in accordance with feng shui principles. 


After all, staying in an untidy area will largely affect the clarity of your thoughts. And thus, in the long run, the quality of your decision-making. You will feel something weighing upon you, and keeping you down. As a result, your family life will falter. Keeping all of this in mind, you want to get rid of anything that you don’t really need; don’t let sentimentality lead you to a hoarder’s attitude. In no time at all, decluttering will help you feel lighter and more energetic. 










Consider The Front Door

As you might have seen from above, the front door is quite important if you decide to feng shui your apartment. This is a primary portal through which all kinds of energy will enter your household. And if you want to keep as much positive energy inside as possible - you will need a medium. To translate this into interior design terms; you want to put in a mirror near the front door. 




So, once you move to a new neighborhood and home, buy a big mirror for a space near the front door at once. This will ensure that positive energy does not escape your apartment easily. The mirror will reflect most of the energy that attempts to flow out of your home and redirect it to flow right back. Indeed, feng shui basics state that this is incredibly influential in terms of home freedom and good opportunities in life. 


As you can see, feng shui is not all about following an arbitrary, ancient, and arcane discipline. Sure, some of its rules rely more heavily on mysticism. But once you take a closer look, you’ll see that an effort to feng shui your apartment yields many practical results. After all, most mystical and religious traditions have a practical basis on which they’re founded - and following the ones dictated by feng shui generates daily happiness in your household!



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